Why do bad things happen to good people? - Job 1:13-22
What kind of a Father would be willing to sacrifice his only Son? - Genesis 22:1-18
See Jesus as he truly is - the Son of God. - Mark 9:2-9
What was Jesus thinking? - Mark 1:40-45
Is there an authority that is always trustworthy? - Mark 1:21-28
What did Jesus mean when he called disciples to fish for people? - Matthew 4:12-23, Professor Aaron Christie
Who does Jesus want on his team? - - John 1:43-51
God made known to all nations that the Savior was born. - Matthew 2:1-12
How do you feel as Christmas ends? - Luke 2:22-40
It was the most epic ending to a dinner party in history. If you go to London today, St. James Square, on #16, there is a plaque to commemorate the spot where it happened. Today #16 houses the East India club, but the plaque on the front wall stands witness to the dinner party thrown by Mrs. Boehm on June 21, 1815. Everybody who was anybody in London was there. And all the talk was about Napoleon…