What strength does God's Word provide when we question, "Did God really say?" — 2 Timothy 3:14–4:5
What does Jesus' baptism reveal about our identity in this new year? — Luke 3:15–17,21,22
How does our Lord transform ordinary individuals into truly wise people of God? — Matthew 2:1–12
How did one cry change history? — Matthew 2:13–18
From heaven's view, who is this child in the manger? — John 1:1–14
How does God's Gift at Christmas bring healing to the brokenness in our world? — Luke 2:1–20
What does it mean for us that God lifts the lowly through his humble Son? — Luke 1:39–55
We all know this world needs change—what is God's plan to make it happen? — Luke 3:1–6
How does the promise of Christ’s return shape our Advent anticipation? — 1 Thessalonians 3:9–13
How does Christ reign as King throughout all the seasons of the Church Year?