What strength does God's Word provide when we question, "Did God really say?" — 2 Timothy 3:14–4:5
What does Jesus' baptism reveal about our identity in this new year? — Luke 3:15–17,21,22
How does our Lord transform ordinary individuals into truly wise people of God? — Matthew 2:1–12
See Jesus as he truly is - the Son of God. - Mark 9:2-9
What was Jesus thinking? - Mark 1:40-45
Is there an authority that is always trustworthy? - Mark 1:21-28
What did Jesus mean when he called disciples to fish for people? - Matthew 4:12-23, Professor Aaron Christie
Who does Jesus want on his team? - - John 1:43-51
God made known to all nations that the Savior was born. - Matthew 2:1-12
What does true power look like?