Worship that welcomes children
Even from their earliest years, children are models of faith for all of us. Jesus himself said so. Our worship format not only encourages families to be together, but is designed for active engagement and participation by all, including children. The sights and sounds of children are a great joy to us. Discover the blessing of worship with your children.
Patterns that are timeless
The hymns, prayers, and creeds used in worship at Faith won’t just come and go with the whims of the day. We draw from the richest treasures from the church’s past — works that have lived up to the most difficult challenges — and from the most promising gifts God has given his church in recent years. This blend of the best from old and new ensures the gospel is at the heart of all we say and do.
Preaching that transcends self-help
You can get tips on how to find satisfaction, excitement, and improvement anywhere. Good advice is easy to find, but good news is a rare gift. The Sunday sermon at Faith Lutheran isn’t just a riff on the pastor’s opinions, it’s the story of Jesus Christ living, dying, and rising again for you. You won’t get more rules, you’ll taste a new world.
Be Our Guest
Join us for worship each Sunday morning. Services begin at 8:30 and 10:30. Livestreaming of 10:30 service on YouTube.
The Good News is Front and Center All Year
Each services follows patterns with ancient roots to ensure that the good news of Jesus Christ fills every minute of our worship. In the same way our annual calendar puts the gospel front and center year-round. From Advent to Pentecost we are reminded again and again of all that Christ has said and done.
Advent means “coming” and is a time of quiet reflection in preparation for the coming of Christ.
For twelve days we celebrate the coming of God as a man to save us. To us a child is born!
Epiphany is a Greek word that means “appearing.” We remember the ways God revealed his Son Jesus as our Savior.
The sorrow of Lent is broken by the triumphant celebration of Christ’s resurrection — the highest of holy days for Christians.
Lent is time for humble and solemn meditation on the seriousness of our sins and the depth of Christ’s love for us that he took those sins upon himself.
The season of Pentecost begins 50 days after Easter. During Pentecost we focus on the teachings of Christ and their application to us.