In the dark hours of life, do what Jacob did: wrestle with God, hold onto him, and don’t let go.
God gives all Christians the authority to share his message.
Vicar Savage’s sermon on Ezekiel 2:1-7
Pastor Schroeder’s sermon on Luke 15:11-23
The Word of God creates growth in our lives, growth in faith, hope, and love.
An age of light and grace and life has dawned, built on the victory won by the Savior who did what we could not.
We celebrate the fact that there are things about God that we cannot understand, but that is okay, because he saved us in the way that only he could.
The Holy Spirit dwells in the hearts of all believers in Jesus. How does he work through them?
Jesus sits on the throne of heaven, reigning and ruling over all of creation for the benefit of his people even if we can’t always see it.
Christians are persecuted for their faith. Christians proclaim the good news of Jesus. Christians persevere in the mission God has given.